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Insights of an Eco Artist

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Creative Studio


Voices of Dissent

This section hosts a collection of interviews with artists who have dedicated their craft to addressing political and social issues, spanning topics from civil rights to consumerism. Their work serves as a powerful medium for social change, protesting and challenging the status quo.

Woollenline: Weaving Threads of Solidarity and Transformation with Pip Woolf

Echoes of Liberation: The Practice of Ghinwa Yassine

Brushing Against Shadows: Exploring Racial Identity with Jeff Musser

Embracing 'Otherness' in Art: An Interview with Luminara Florescu

Championing Environmental Advocacy Through Art: An Interview with Phil Barton

Disruptive Narratives: An Unconventional Odyssey with Dolly Sen

Working-Class Activism: An Interview with Helen Carr

Artistic Activism and Social Reflection: A Conversation with Pomidor Group

Exploring the Political Power of Kitschy Collages: an interview with Elleanna Chapman

Transcending Boundaries: An Interview with Aljohara Jeje

Bridging Art and Place: an Interview with STEWY

Unveiling Ancestral Threads: Interview with Suritah Wignall

Art as Social Discourse: A Conversation with Sonia Rolak

Threaded Narratives: An Interview with Caren Garfen

Unearthing Meaning: A Writer's Quest to Challenge, Heal, and Inspire with Erika Loch

Transforming Urban Spaces into Living Galleries- An Interview with Ruinbow

Provoking contemplation and transformation - An interview with Orsina Pasargiklian

Artistic Alchemy: Exploring Color, Metacubism, and Creativity with Tomas Lagunavicius

Exploring Liminal Realities: An Interview with Gillian Holding

Capturing Resilience Amidst Destruction - A Conversation with Multidisciplinary Artist Camp 2.22

Unveiling Truths and Challenging Orthodoxy: A Conversation with Artist Martin Fowler

Exploring Emotions and Change Through Art: an Interview with Sara Melly

Exploring Individual and Collective Trauma: an Interview with Peter Brandt

Resonating Narratives: Elena Akaeva's Fearless Artistry as an Agent of Transformation

Resonating Narratives: an Interview with Elena Akaeva

Bridging Art and Politics in Times of Crisis: a Conversation with Nic Galloro.

Redefining Context and Reality: Conversation with Patrick Lowry

Eclectic Odyssey: Unraveling Artistry and Eco-Feminism with Claudi Piripippi

The captivating narrative behind iconic women: an Interview with Stephanie Jaffe

Peter D'Alessandri: A Journey from Catharsis to Social Commentary

Exploring Societal Boundaries: Interview with Romeo Gómez López

Welcome: An Artistic Odyssey Reflecting Society and Identity - A Conversation with Philip Vaughan-Williams

Brushstrokes of Emotion: Interview with O. Yemi Tubi

Intersecting of Art, Myth, and History: Interview with Gen Doy

Exploring Social and Political Consciousness: An Interview with Letian Qu

The Transformative Potency of Satire: Interview with John Hogan

Illuminating Individuals Perspectives: An Interview with Sean Alistair

Unleashing the Unconscious Mind - Interview with Marco Riha

Culinary as a Political Statement - Interview with Sijia Chen

Culinary as a Political Statement - a Review of Sijia Chen's Art

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