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Wildlife photography, conservation and culture with Paul Brooke

Paul is an accomplished photographer, lectures and poet with many books published and awards received and he shares his experiences on the nuances of being a wildlife photographer.

Episode: 12

Here with me today I have Paul Brooke, a wild photographer, eco poet and writer. Paul started as a biologist and later transformed his passion for wildlife into a career as a photographer and poet. Most of his works are a merger between his knowledge of science - the ecosystems, his passion for culture and eco theories that are then showcased in his unique poem structures and his perspective as a photographer that records his observations of nature.

As a photographer, Paul dedicates his practice to highlighting species like jaguars or pumas to understand the specific adaptations and behaviours. As a consequence, he travels often to Brazil and Chile to be in contact with local communities and their wildlife, and this is an intrinsic aspect of his practice.

Paul is an accomplished photographer, lectures and poet with many books published and awards received and he shares his experiences on the nuances of being a wildlife photographer.

See his work here.

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